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2 reviews

Oak Forest Tax Professional Patrick Kelly

Patrick Kelly is a tax preparer based in Oak Forest, IL. Patrick Kelly can assist you with your tax return preparation and planning needs.
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Service Lines
Tax Preparation
Tax Planning
2 reviews
1.0 04/02/2021
I have known Pat Kelly since high school. When I married we were looking for a tax consultant and many people recommended Pat. I couldn't believe what a coincidence this was. We began having Pat due our taxes and many of our family members and friends. We've come to find out throughout the years that there are dozens and dozens of people we know that also use Pat's services and we are all extremely satisfied with him. He had saved us all a lot of money. He is there for you whenever you need him, and now his daughter is in the business and is as good as her father. He taught her well!
5.0 03/21/2018
Mr. Kelly does a wonderful job... would recommend to everyone.
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